Wally loved the flowers off of the patio; and I had thought it could be a nice final resting place for his ashes, but I wanted a stone or some-sort of memorial for it and I still have not found one that I like and reminds me of Wally.
Today I'm having landscaping work done and one of the areas they cleared out was his patio flower bed. Its down the dirt - and if Wally's ashes has been there they would no longer be there.
Now I'm torn, I do still think this may be a good resting place for Wally, especially if the end result is beautiful but then again it will be an area new to him.
I know they say cats would rather stay with the house than the owner, but I don't believe any of my pets would have chosen the house over me. We had too deep a bond. And I know this home is not long for me either. I'm guessing I will have moved out within the next 10 years.
I found out a a friend of mine's family buried their cats in a "undisclosed" location in Mitchell Park. In the park at an area that was near the river stream and it's a place they can always visit no matter what happens to their family home. Its not a bad idea to consider - I can see options of spreading Wally and Tibers ashes (yes, I still have Tibers' ashes because I could not bury them at the condo since I knew I would be leaving there within a year or two) at either Laphem Peak State Park (my most frequent hiking trails) or at Nashotah Park (my favorite trail running park).
I'm not sure what to do, but I'm very thankful I didn't yet spread his ashes in his favorite flower bed.