Today is the 10th anniversary of the terrorism attacks on America.
I'm impressed with the memorial they have created at Ground Zero. It's beautiful in both its simplicity and magnitude. I personally have been profoundly affected by the events of September 11 and find myself already feeling the need to see the new memorial - although I do feel the need to wait until its attached museum is completed (planned for 2012) and the newly planted trees are bigger.
In 2008 I took a trip to New York City to see a baseball game at the old Yankee Stadium before the new Yankee Stadium opened. We did a bunch of NYC tourism stuff including visiting Ground Zero and St Paul's Church. St Paul's is a small church about a block away from Ground Zero, and it became the refugee for the first responders as they took much needed rest breaks. It was highly emotional and a must see spot for anyone visiting NYC.
On a personal level, September 11 brings back memories of my beloved cat Wally. Earlier that summer I had to put down my beloved cat Tibers who I had since my college days in Madison. After September 11, we were all reminded that life is short and with that realization I knew I needed to have a pet back in my life and my home. So 9/11 was the impetus for me adopting Wally.
I love you Wally, I miss you Wally, and I will never forget you Wally.