The exercise is less due in part to the weather being 90+ and humid. This has greatly reduced the distance of the dog walks. Zeus gets too out of breath and pants so much that I usually try to get him back homeward as soon as he does his bathroom business. I still have high personal hopes that one day he will be able go miles, but this is not the week! I think I have to push out my goal of turning Zeus into a dog that loves to hike the trail - maybe try this in September or October as it gets a little cooler.
The exercise has also lost out on the priority list to the trip preparation - both packing and trying to get the house and yard stuff done before I leave.
And you can add in a couple days of drinking. It's not that I drank that much, but I really have stopped most of my drinking so now having 2 or 3 beers in a night is a big night. And not only is that a lot of empty calories, it also leads to eating more. Some of that is because I feel the need to eat to 'soak' up the alcohol and the other part is when I've been drinking my food judgement can be swayed too easily.
So what does this no particular order
- I'm getting better at knowing myself and being able to select good stretch goals
- Need to find a way to get in more exercise this week to compensate for the family food frenzy (that these family vacations include) and the increase of alcohol
- I think I will have 4 days of good exercise - Friday at White Sands, a day Bandelier National Park, a day hiking in the Santa Fe Forest, and the last Saturday at Capulin Volcano National Monument
- I'm also going to try to get in some healthy long and fast walks on 3 of the mornings when at the Santa Fe rental house
- and hopefully this will also give me some personal time away to help me recharge
- I also usually get some good walking when I'm at the airport waiting - both Friday (which also already has White Sands) and Sunday, July 1 will benefit from that
- Eating will be hard but I need to keep focused on the light weigh method and really just work to eat less - sounds so simple, but we all really know how hard this will be