The key stumbling block is that I am once again overwhelmed with the amount of tasks I want to get done. So overwhelmed that I don't know where to start - part of that is my perfectionism for efficiency coming into play. I want to complete things in the most efficient order, because remember I have a lot to get done ;-)
The good news is life with the dog is getting better. He has been so much better since he got back from almost two weeks of boarding while I was in New Mexico. In part, I think they don't (and really can't) baby the dogs so Zeus has gotten better about communicating when he needs to go out, be feed, and even wants to be played with. Plus he's 'gotten it' that he needs to poop while we are on a walk and if we are headed home and he hasn't pooped yet, now he does poop as we get close to the house. This is a huge improvement! He used to get distracted, not poop and then come in but need to go back out 15 -30 minutes later and often that same cycle would repeat - need to poop, go outside and get distracted and don't poop, come inside, and need to poop, go outside and get distracted and don't poop,....
The eating has been poor. It started with the dinner/evening in the hotel on Saturday night and has continued. Although I'm aware of the problem and that awareness is part of the solution. Today I've been making a real effort and doing much better but the 2pm energy lag hit me harder than I would have liked - but its was not as bad as it has been the previous days. So its slow but steady progress in the right direction.

The nice thing is that its been very quiet at work this week because of both the US July 4 holiday and the Canadian Canada Day holiday.
As always I have high hopes for how much I can get done this slow week - and as always I have overestimated and that stresses me when I don't get as much done as I thought I would. Oh, the cycle continues.
Instead of rushing through my pile on the to-do list of things that are really not important, I am going to take a break and figure out some goals. I think that may be near the root of my problems - I'm feeling a bit rudderless and not sure of my priorities. I was searching out the list of bloggers going to FitBlogging (which I considered attending since I really liked the Health Living Blog event I went to a few years ago). So many of them use their blogs to track and inspire their goals -- I need that inspiration back in my life. Not sure with what types or target deadlines for these goals but the start of July is the start of the 2nd half of the year so it is great timing.
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