Just a short, personal reminder that you've been doing awesome lately in a number of ways. There is always room for improvement, but there is also always room for acknowledging how awesome these little things are - because as we all know, little things become big things. So little awesome becomes big awesome!
- You've been doing great at wasting less food. Americans waste an astonishing amount of food. Part of the problem is Americans buy things that are good for us that we don't like and so the salads and fresh veggies go uneaten and go to waste. Americans also tent to buy in bulk because its cheaper - but when you waste a third of it what was your real cost? In any case, lately you've been doing real well at keeping track of things, always having staples available so there have been less last minute fast food dinners, etc.
- You've been doing well with the Endomondo bike challenge. It kind of got off to a slow start but you've been making it out on a regular basis - which can only be good for the waistline and it keeps adding points. The beauty of their scoring system is you get 20 points for any ride over a mile, and additional point for every mile. That means for someone like me that is usually only riding 2 to 5 miles on those weekdays, I'm still racking in the points. And you were awesome to set a realistic goal of 1250 points for the challenge period. Its a stretch, but you took into account the almost 3 weeks your unable to ride, so its doable. Keep it up!
- You're dog expirences have been challenging, but things are going well. You're doing your best to keep him happy and healthy, and it's working.
- The yard is really taking shape and you have a good habits and plans to keep it that way.
- You've been motivated to make long term plans - remember you not likely to get where you want if you don't know what you want!

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