Monday, February 14, 2011

Barb got her grove back

I was going to title this How Barb Got Her Grove Back to play off the movie title but I really not sure about the "how" I just know its back and I'm happy about that and not going to question it or dig to deep into it in case I jinx it.  My best guess is it was the return of sunshine and some warmer weather this week.

I'm back to running/jogging in a run/walk mode using Marty's program; which is very similar to the Jeff Galloway program of intervals of running and walking.   So far it has felt good.  My foot still hurts on some of those days - but not enough to stop me from going the next time.   I've come up with a plan where I run one morning, and then instead of taking the next day off - I run that evening and take the next day (day 3) off.  That gives me the opportunity to run 10 times over a 2 week period.  If I ran every other day, then I would only have 7 opportunities over that same period.  Since its only about 2 miles each outing, I think the extra days can only help me in getting ready for Marty's trail running program starting April 1 and Crazy Legs on April 30. 

I've also made some headway in getting things done lately.  This is a big improvement, but there is a lot of catch up to do to get things where I want them to be.

Weekly challenges will be back - you'll probably see this week's challenges by the end of this day.

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