Monday, February 14, 2011


"Disappointed" is one of my favorite lines from the movie A Fish Called Wonda.  I can't get the same inflection as Kevin Kline so when I use this line no one ever gets that I'm quoting from that movie. 

Anyway, I'm disappointed because my plan for running using my newly created running plan was demolished.  I was getting tired of my personal indoor track that is all turns and no straightaways - I'm sure its slowing down my running.  My plan was to try out the Brookfield East High School where our cities' Park and Rec holds an open gym for residents on Monday nights.   For some unknown reason I was assuming the track was elevated above the basketball courts.  Turns out the track is painted around the edge of the courts and is just a gym floor - no cushioning, no nothing.   And to make matters worse - the direction they had set up the courts had the track either in or right next to the basketball games.   This would not be a pleasant way to get in 2+ miles.

I came home but knew there was very little chance I would run in my basement - it needs natural (daylight) light to be a good location for a run.  And its pitch black outside - not gonna work for me.

Disappointed because this time of year it really takes a lot of gumption on my part to get out and leave the house when its already dark out.  I'm sure I have suffer some from seasonal affective disorder (SAD).   I talked myself in and out of going at least 5 times before I left.   I made myself do it and it didn't work out well.  I'm hoping that doesn't affect me getting out next time (ie, reminding myself how it didn't work this time and is probably not worth it next time).  

I knew the timing was not working in my favor.  The park and rec open gym starts at 8pm.  I much prefer to do my evening running around 6pm  and have dinner after.  Running at 8pm meant that I had already eaten dinner, and even though it was soup and not very heavy I still prefer not to eat much before I  run.  

It was worth a try.  It didn't work out well.  There is no need to repeat trying to run at this location.  But it is worthwhile for me to find another indoor location where I can run while its too cold to run outside.  The Pettit National Ice Center is a possibility - but from training for my first half marathon I found that while the Pettit lists hours for the indoor track they don't have it open unless the ice rinks are in use.  I've been there mornings when they were supposed to have been open already for 2 hours and were still closed.  For an early morning runners like me this can be frustrating.  I'll add it to my options, but I'll also keep checking around for another indoor running location that works well for me.   I'm disappointed but I'm not giving up.

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