Thursday, September 27, 2012

September Update

Hmmm, good thing I had added an ongoing task to post to this blog at the end of each month with a running update.  Otherwise, not sure you would see any updates.  Which is a key indication of how well (or not well) this has been going.

My running continues to be primarly only at the BLS fun runs.  Well the problem with that is because of life and traffic, etc I have not made it to a fun run in time to actually run since August 22.   Wow that means I've basically missed running at all in the entire month of September. 

And for some reason I signed up for the Dec 22 Santa Shuffle 5K at the Milwaukee Lakefront's Veterans Park.  It was one of those' spending money to save money type of deal';  I had $5 expiring on Groupon so with that and the groupon discount this run costs me $15 (instead of the early prerace $35 which goes up to $45).  More about this later.

I have continued hiking and of course the daily dog walks.   My knee continues to bother me - to the point where I'm considering going get one of the free sports physical therapy evaluations.  My issue with that is I feel like no matter what shape your body is in, they will always find a need for 6 weeks or more of therapy, And that will be another several hundreds of dollars, and this year I have already maxed out my HSA spending account.

I'm disappointed in how I let the running goals drop and disappointed in where my running condition is. 

The good news is that I do feel a new level of motivation.  Part has to do with our Light Weigh program restarting - that does help keep me motivated in overall health and weight loss focus.   Plus we are done with the extremely hot weather that did limit my hiking, and now also have the beautiful Fall colors that make me want to hike more and more.  I hope to see an increase in physical activity in the near future. 

Another plus is that I'll be developing and adding 'training' to my schedule to be able to comfortably complete the Santa Shuffle.   I'll admit part of the appeal of the Santa Shuffle was its timing in late December -- I'm hoping that if I can do this run comfortably, then I can continue the running and this year runs the S-No-W Fun Run which is a 5 mile run in Lake Geneva with an awesome after party that my friends Dave and Bonnie almost always attend.   My problem is this run is in early January and most years I have not run since late October (Discovery Run) and the added fact that because of the average January temperature they have a time limit of 60 minutes (12 min miles) on the run so that their volunteers do not need to stay outside for long periods.   This run has been on my bucket list - not the list of big item but a unwritten, undocumented list of local things I've heard are fun or good and want to try.  This could be the year for the Snow Run!

I'm actually considering taking a short run of approximately a mile or mile and a half right now as a break - and once again work gets in the way.  I need to finish one contract before I can exit and run, and hopefully nothing new will come in as I'm working on that contract.  Remember - no matter how slow you are you are still passing everyone on the couch!!!

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