LOL yes, that is 2 years out! But's that's the message from my doctor. He doesn't want any sudden weight loss - just slow and steady (similar to how it was put on). Given the amount to my goal weight, that will take 2 years or so -- so healthy in 2017!!!
This post may be a bit scattered - it's again been several months since I posted and there is much to catch up on.
First update, the secret goal was not yet successful - the goal is the same but the new timeline is Hikeapoloza .
Back to the doctor's visit. It was a semi annual physical exam - my doc thinks yearly is too often so it's usually every 2 to 3 years that we do the full blood work, etc. And the very good news is all but one of my numbers were good and most are very, very good! The only number that is unhealthy is my weight. So he suggested I go on the wheat belly eating plan where you cut out breads, rice, pasta, pineapples, bananas, and other high GI indexed foods. This is a variation on the Mediterranean Diet. My doctor's plan calls for eating this way most of the time and adding in one cheat day a week - the cheat day is important in his mind because it helps keep your body from fully resetting to the new diet. And as long as its new your body responds bigger/faster.
So far, this is going pretty well. I've have been changing my eating habits. I'm eating close to the plan but not 100%. It's only been a few weeks and for the most part I'm getting better and better at it as I go. New habits are forming, which I absolutely love.
And I'm back to trying to set little weekly goals - as you know if you've been a reader here, I do better when I challenge myself. So here goes....
1) reach the fitbit goals every day this week- most important is the Active Minutes, followed by steps and miles. Now as an aside the fitbit dashboard may not show the true results since I hope to start biking and the fitbit doesn't show any of those petal (steps) or active minutes. This is due to where I wear the fitbit on my body.
2) 5 Salads meals this week - one a day for the work week, but depending on schedule and quick meal requirements (ie, eating on the go) this doesn't have to be one a day - as long as 5 get in for the week. Five meals or until the lettuce mix runs out.
3) walk the dog daily - this is subject to the weather. It's predicted to be a very rainy week.
4) Getting the Lawn taken care of - we're off to a decent start. Monday I cut the grass over lunch and the weather looks like it will be good for me to spread the weed protection on Wednesday. The bag needs to be spread when the grass is wet; they recommend first thing in the morning while the grass is wet with the morning dew. But then it needs to have 24 to 48 hours of no rain. So far, it does look like I have a window on Wednesday. I'll continue to watch for it. The dandelions are starting to pop up so its very much the right time for this to be spread on the lawn. -- like the dog walk this is subject to the weather.
5) oil changed - this is overdue and I need to get it done. period.
There are a lot of other things to get done - there always is - but I'm starting with the focus on these 5 areas. Anything else is a bonus.
Monday, May 4, 2015
Friday, February 20, 2015
the winds are a changing
Taking a few minutes for a quick status update and adding a personal (read secrete goal).
The plan is beginning to work; part of what I desired was a change in me in how I approached food and exercise. I saw that change in action today - and in the venue of celebrating small victories I want to do a shout out and help encourage me to continue on this road.
Today I had the upset stomach from eating too little for breakfast and drinking too much coffee (caffeine) - I get that occasionally. As per my usual behavior I started poking around the kitchen for something to eat. Eating balances out the food to caffeine ratio in my stomach and resolves the upset stomach feeling.

I looked around and nothing looked good. I considered making popcorn, as that is my usual substitution for chips, which is what I really wanted. I considered having a ridiculously early lunch, which was a bad idea since dinner will be a bit later tonight. But instead I ate some fruit (oranges) and veggies (the edamame pea pods).
That is EXACTLY how I want to change - going from wanting chips to instead eating fruits and veggies.
Yeah, this is day 3 so it's not that the battle is over. But this is a victory and it does need to be shouted out and celebrated. Yea for me!
Secrete goal is the number 14.5 -- I'm not telling how this fits, what that measures, or giving you any other clue. I'll keep this posted and updated as the progress goes. It's not exactly what I would like - I'd love to blow past this goal and exceed it. But I'm sticking with something that is both challenging and still realistic. And I'll keep dreaming and pushing for even more!
The plan is beginning to work; part of what I desired was a change in me in how I approached food and exercise. I saw that change in action today - and in the venue of celebrating small victories I want to do a shout out and help encourage me to continue on this road.
Today I had the upset stomach from eating too little for breakfast and drinking too much coffee (caffeine) - I get that occasionally. As per my usual behavior I started poking around the kitchen for something to eat. Eating balances out the food to caffeine ratio in my stomach and resolves the upset stomach feeling.

I looked around and nothing looked good. I considered making popcorn, as that is my usual substitution for chips, which is what I really wanted. I considered having a ridiculously early lunch, which was a bad idea since dinner will be a bit later tonight. But instead I ate some fruit (oranges) and veggies (the edamame pea pods).
That is EXACTLY how I want to change - going from wanting chips to instead eating fruits and veggies.
Yeah, this is day 3 so it's not that the battle is over. But this is a victory and it does need to be shouted out and celebrated. Yea for me!
Secrete goal is the number 14.5 -- I'm not telling how this fits, what that measures, or giving you any other clue. I'll keep this posted and updated as the progress goes. It's not exactly what I would like - I'd love to blow past this goal and exceed it. But I'm sticking with something that is both challenging and still realistic. And I'll keep dreaming and pushing for even more!
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
Lent 2015 - working on transforming my world

I know I titled this Lent 2015 but these challenges are steps to a bigger change for me. These may start with Lent and give me a time frame to track things, but this is bigger, much bigger than Lent for me. Some challenges are more Lent specific than others. All are steps in the right direction for me.
So here goes!
There are 6 and half weeks in Lent - 40 days if you don't count the Sundays.

1) Participate in 7 Lenten / Spiritual activities.
There are a ton of things that fit into this category - Stations of the Cross, walking a labyrinth, attending the Zion Passion Play, going to confession, etc
I think I can average one a week if I focus and make this a priority.
2) No purchasing of chips
This is hard for me, and to be clear this is not no eating chips - it's no purchasing chips. I can eat chips if it comes with a meal or at a party, etc -- but I can't buy them and bring them into my house.
3) Limited candy to the skittles on hand
I split the skittles into 7 containers and I can have one a week through Lent. No purchasing of new candy - with the exception of some things for St Patrick's day.
4) 9 bags of frozen veggies
This is a crazy non standard Lent challenge. But like most Americans I don't eat enough vegetables. I first thought 2 bags per week but 12 bags in 6 weeks sound crazy, especially when it's just me eating them and a bag of peas can easily have 6 to 8 servings. So I compromised and went with 1 1/2 bags per week - total of 9 over that Lent period. Still a lot, but the point is to try to add them into more and more of my meals - replace snacks with veggies. And to be clear, listing these as frozen veggies is just an easy way to count - but fresh veggies will count towards the total.
5) Be good to myself at least 7 times
Similar to the first challenge, I'll try to average one per week. I tend to be too hard on myself and too cheap on spending on myself. This is one of those longer term goals about needing to be good to myself and celebrate the small victories and celebrate the now (celebrate the season). I need to make sure this is not only food treats and special meals, etc - just needs to be something I like to do or want to try.
- There is at list one that is a food item I want to include - having a shamrock shake. It's been years (maybe 10 years or more) since I had one. I hear they are really different and very good. Its time for me to try one and not worry about the calories - just to enjoy the very infrequent treat.
- I also want to include a couple of movies - aiming to going to the theater 3 times. That seams like too much and I'm not sure I can fit it
5) Training
This is is the big one for changing my lifestyle into the type of person I want to be. And is so very critical for the June hike with Luann. I'm not sure how to start this. I worry if I do too little I won't be prepared, and I worry if I try do too much I'll injury my knees and not be able to do anything. So I'm taking a leap and committing to 4 times per week - that is 3 times with the Couch to 5K program and then 1 additional activity. I think that is doable, if I keep focus on it.
So that's the plan - wish me good luck
I'll keep you posted on progress as time flies,
Monday, February 16, 2015
Where to begin?
I'm ready for a change.
I don't like where I am in a number of categories.
But I don't know how to begin. I'm stuck in a rut. I want different results but I'm basically doing the same thing.
Actually that's not true or fair. I have been doing different things and its making small progress. And that's the problem - I'm discouraged by the small progress. I want bigger results. I want new habits. And being discouraged and depressed by the new action's results make me want to give up.
But I don't want to give up - I want to change. I just want the new results to come faster. Is that really asking too much?!?!?
Honestly my biggest challenge is finding a way to celebrate the small successes and build on them.
I feel like I would benefit with a game or personal challenge to help keep me focused, engaged, and on track. Lent challenges often work for me - and Lent starts this Wednesday.
I'm signed up for a hike-a-paloza at Starved Rock State Park in Illinois with one of my best friends. I need to get into better shape and be able hike the 35 miles and enjoy the miles. My friend and I hiked the Grand Canyon last June. There was a last minute cancellation that opened up beds at Phantom Ranch for us - we found out one week before the hike of that cancellation - so that means there was no training, etc. And I struggled. The hike was hard on me - I'm out of shape and also had knee problems. I have more torn meniscus in both knees. This time I know about it - and I have time to train -- meaning No Excuses this time!
So I need to have a (1) training goal - need to get in shape and ready for that hike. I always like to have (2) spiritual goals and attend stations of the cross, etc, And for a third goal, I usually like to have a (3) eating or food related goal . The spiritual one needs to be in the time frame for Lent, but I can be open ended (if I want) for the other two goals.
I need to set what I want to do, and soon this Wednesday is Ash Wednesday.
I feel good that I'm open and actively desiring a challenge. I feel scared that I'll quit because I don't feel major results. Please send me good vibes to keep me going.
I don't like where I am in a number of categories.
But I don't know how to begin. I'm stuck in a rut. I want different results but I'm basically doing the same thing.
Actually that's not true or fair. I have been doing different things and its making small progress. And that's the problem - I'm discouraged by the small progress. I want bigger results. I want new habits. And being discouraged and depressed by the new action's results make me want to give up.
But I don't want to give up - I want to change. I just want the new results to come faster. Is that really asking too much?!?!?
Honestly my biggest challenge is finding a way to celebrate the small successes and build on them.
I feel like I would benefit with a game or personal challenge to help keep me focused, engaged, and on track. Lent challenges often work for me - and Lent starts this Wednesday.
I'm signed up for a hike-a-paloza at Starved Rock State Park in Illinois with one of my best friends. I need to get into better shape and be able hike the 35 miles and enjoy the miles. My friend and I hiked the Grand Canyon last June. There was a last minute cancellation that opened up beds at Phantom Ranch for us - we found out one week before the hike of that cancellation - so that means there was no training, etc. And I struggled. The hike was hard on me - I'm out of shape and also had knee problems. I have more torn meniscus in both knees. This time I know about it - and I have time to train -- meaning No Excuses this time!
So I need to have a (1) training goal - need to get in shape and ready for that hike. I always like to have (2) spiritual goals and attend stations of the cross, etc, And for a third goal, I usually like to have a (3) eating or food related goal . The spiritual one needs to be in the time frame for Lent, but I can be open ended (if I want) for the other two goals.
I need to set what I want to do, and soon this Wednesday is Ash Wednesday.
I feel good that I'm open and actively desiring a challenge. I feel scared that I'll quit because I don't feel major results. Please send me good vibes to keep me going.
Friday, February 13, 2015
Keep Clam and Love Menard's
Well my last post was unnecessary since Menard's came through in a big way - a $249.96 rebate check!!!
I did not expect that.

I really thought my mistake in not sending these rebates in for months after their last due date would cause me to lose out on money. I know Menard's doesn't enforce strict end dates; but I was concerned that I had pushed them too far - some of these were over 6 months from their due date.
But once again Menard's came through. They have grown to be one of my favorite stores and one of my most frequent shopping locations.
This is a great lesson in pushing through and never giving up. I easily could have determined that they would not pay out on those very old rebates. But I sent them in and it really cost me only the price of a stamp. And of course, it cost me some mental anguish. I beat myself up about how much money I had left on the table and I truly did not expect to receive all of it back. I'm pleasantly surprised.
I need to take this win and apply it to other areas of my life - Don't Give Up. As my instructor said last month: This is simple, not easy, but simple.
I did not expect that.

But once again Menard's came through. They have grown to be one of my favorite stores and one of my most frequent shopping locations.
This is a great lesson in pushing through and never giving up. I easily could have determined that they would not pay out on those very old rebates. But I sent them in and it really cost me only the price of a stamp. And of course, it cost me some mental anguish. I beat myself up about how much money I had left on the table and I truly did not expect to receive all of it back. I'm pleasantly surprised.
I need to take this win and apply it to other areas of my life - Don't Give Up. As my instructor said last month: This is simple, not easy, but simple.
Friday, February 6, 2015
It's been a while - my life was out of control. I'm taking back the control but there is still much that is unorganized, falling behind in basic maintenance, and probably not set up well for the future.
One of those areas are the rebates from Menards. Menards is a local chain that is a combination of a Home Depot and a Target. It started as a hardware type store but has expanded into limited groceries, furniture, and clothing.
And one of their sales method is that many, many things are rebates - rebates that come back in the form of in store credit. They have a simple easy process -- the rebate certificate prints at the bottom of the receipt and they have the rebate form at the store exits. And if you missed picking up a rebate form at the store, you can print them from their web site. Its a simple process. The only thing that can screw it up is if you don't send it in to them in time. And they are very generous about processing things even after the end date for the rebates.
Well with my depression and lack of focus this summer I didn't send in most, probably not any, since back in June. I finally got my act together in December after Christmas and sent them in.
Sadly I just got back the in store credit for all of $6.99 -- that's sad because I sent in rebates worth over $220. Yes, my issues costed me $213. That's why the title is AAAUUUUGGGGHHHHHHH! This kind of stuff kills me. It bugs me to no end. First of all I'm very thrifty so losing out on over $200 for my personal inactivity frustrates me! Second, it's very possible I would not have purchased some of these items if they were not free (or almost free) on rebate. I donate some of the free stuff. I shop at Menards quite often so getting store credit works great for me. Meaning that even if I don't need or use the rebate item, since its free and I'm getting that money to spend at Menards it's fine and I have no issues.
But leaving $200 plus dollars on the table ......AAAUUUUGGGGHHHHHHH!
Things are getting better - but its not there yet and I need to focus on these mistakes as motivation to do better instead of being deflated and depressed and letting it get worse.
## Quick update - in Monday's mail I received a rebate check for $57.30! So the total lost is down to $152.95. Still not great, but much better and it gives me still a glimmer of hope that even more can come in. Maybe, pretty please!!!
One of those areas are the rebates from Menards. Menards is a local chain that is a combination of a Home Depot and a Target. It started as a hardware type store but has expanded into limited groceries, furniture, and clothing.
And one of their sales method is that many, many things are rebates - rebates that come back in the form of in store credit. They have a simple easy process -- the rebate certificate prints at the bottom of the receipt and they have the rebate form at the store exits. And if you missed picking up a rebate form at the store, you can print them from their web site. Its a simple process. The only thing that can screw it up is if you don't send it in to them in time. And they are very generous about processing things even after the end date for the rebates.
Well with my depression and lack of focus this summer I didn't send in most, probably not any, since back in June. I finally got my act together in December after Christmas and sent them in.
Sadly I just got back the in store credit for all of $6.99 -- that's sad because I sent in rebates worth over $220. Yes, my issues costed me $213. That's why the title is AAAUUUUGGGGHHHHHHH! This kind of stuff kills me. It bugs me to no end. First of all I'm very thrifty so losing out on over $200 for my personal inactivity frustrates me! Second, it's very possible I would not have purchased some of these items if they were not free (or almost free) on rebate. I donate some of the free stuff. I shop at Menards quite often so getting store credit works great for me. Meaning that even if I don't need or use the rebate item, since its free and I'm getting that money to spend at Menards it's fine and I have no issues.
But leaving $200 plus dollars on the table ......AAAUUUUGGGGHHHHHHH!
Things are getting better - but its not there yet and I need to focus on these mistakes as motivation to do better instead of being deflated and depressed and letting it get worse.
## Quick update - in Monday's mail I received a rebate check for $57.30! So the total lost is down to $152.95. Still not great, but much better and it gives me still a glimmer of hope that even more can come in. Maybe, pretty please!!!
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