The plan is beginning to work; part of what I desired was a change in me in how I approached food and exercise. I saw that change in action today - and in the venue of celebrating small victories I want to do a shout out and help encourage me to continue on this road.
Today I had the upset stomach from eating too little for breakfast and drinking too much coffee (caffeine) - I get that occasionally. As per my usual behavior I started poking around the kitchen for something to eat. Eating balances out the food to caffeine ratio in my stomach and resolves the upset stomach feeling.

I looked around and nothing looked good. I considered making popcorn, as that is my usual substitution for chips, which is what I really wanted. I considered having a ridiculously early lunch, which was a bad idea since dinner will be a bit later tonight. But instead I ate some fruit (oranges) and veggies (the edamame pea pods).
That is EXACTLY how I want to change - going from wanting chips to instead eating fruits and veggies.
Yeah, this is day 3 so it's not that the battle is over. But this is a victory and it does need to be shouted out and celebrated. Yea for me!
Secrete goal is the number 14.5 -- I'm not telling how this fits, what that measures, or giving you any other clue. I'll keep this posted and updated as the progress goes. It's not exactly what I would like - I'd love to blow past this goal and exceed it. But I'm sticking with something that is both challenging and still realistic. And I'll keep dreaming and pushing for even more!
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