I know I titled this Lent 2015 but these challenges are steps to a bigger change for me. These may start with Lent and give me a time frame to track things, but this is bigger, much bigger than Lent for me. Some challenges are more Lent specific than others. All are steps in the right direction for me.
So here goes!
There are 6 and half weeks in Lent - 40 days if you don't count the Sundays.

1) Participate in 7 Lenten / Spiritual activities.
There are a ton of things that fit into this category - Stations of the Cross, walking a labyrinth, attending the Zion Passion Play, going to confession, etc
I think I can average one a week if I focus and make this a priority.
2) No purchasing of chips
This is hard for me, and to be clear this is not no eating chips - it's no purchasing chips. I can eat chips if it comes with a meal or at a party, etc -- but I can't buy them and bring them into my house.
3) Limited candy to the skittles on hand
I split the skittles into 7 containers and I can have one a week through Lent. No purchasing of new candy - with the exception of some things for St Patrick's day.
4) 9 bags of frozen veggies
This is a crazy non standard Lent challenge. But like most Americans I don't eat enough vegetables. I first thought 2 bags per week but 12 bags in 6 weeks sound crazy, especially when it's just me eating them and a bag of peas can easily have 6 to 8 servings. So I compromised and went with 1 1/2 bags per week - total of 9 over that Lent period. Still a lot, but the point is to try to add them into more and more of my meals - replace snacks with veggies. And to be clear, listing these as frozen veggies is just an easy way to count - but fresh veggies will count towards the total.
5) Be good to myself at least 7 times
Similar to the first challenge, I'll try to average one per week. I tend to be too hard on myself and too cheap on spending on myself. This is one of those longer term goals about needing to be good to myself and celebrate the small victories and celebrate the now (celebrate the season). I need to make sure this is not only food treats and special meals, etc - just needs to be something I like to do or want to try.
- There is at list one that is a food item I want to include - having a shamrock shake. It's been years (maybe 10 years or more) since I had one. I hear they are really different and very good. Its time for me to try one and not worry about the calories - just to enjoy the very infrequent treat.
- I also want to include a couple of movies - aiming to going to the theater 3 times. That seams like too much and I'm not sure I can fit it
5) Training
This is is the big one for changing my lifestyle into the type of person I want to be. And is so very critical for the June hike with Luann. I'm not sure how to start this. I worry if I do too little I won't be prepared, and I worry if I try do too much I'll injury my knees and not be able to do anything. So I'm taking a leap and committing to 4 times per week - that is 3 times with the Couch to 5K program and then 1 additional activity. I think that is doable, if I keep focus on it.
So that's the plan - wish me good luck
I'll keep you posted on progress as time flies,
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