Monday, April 25, 2011

It's illogical

It's hard being part Vulcan.   I often feel like I may be a descendant of Spock because I am so logical.   And I have a (controlled) hatred of illogical things and thinking.   And I'll tell you there is nothing logical about Wally's death.  Yesterday was a month.  And there are still several times each week when I'm overwhelmed with the loss.   And it really bothers me that it's not logical for Wally to have died.  He was well cared for, he was well loved, he was too young. 

It's not logical, it's not fair, and honestly it just sucks.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Bucket List - Failure to Success!!!

I don't know when my fascination with space and NASA started, but I'm sure I had it before graduated from grade school.   So it goes back a while as a fabric in my life.  My bucket list includes seeing a space shuttle launch in person.   The shuttle program is being scrapped this year in favor of developing a new type of space craft that can travel further and cheaper to allow our astronauts to make it to Mars and beyond.   That program is expected to have space flights starting in 2014.

The last shuttle launch is schedule for Friday, April 29.  I had no plans to be there ... until yesterday!  My friend Cindy (this is her photo from a different shuttle launch) is engaged to a NASA engineer and they have a "car pass" which allows everyone that can fit into their car employee access to the launch.  This is much closer than the public gets to the shuttle.   We found some cheap flights and are on our way.   It will be nice to have a break from Wisconsin and home, and it will be great to see Cindy and have a chance to hang out with her.  Plus we are planning a day at Universal Studios Orlando and seeing their The Wizarding World of Harry Potter.  I can't wait!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

First Backyard Fire of the Year

The backyard fire pit got a little workout this afternoon.  The fire was much nicer and burned better than I expected given the amount of rain we've had lately.  I now smell like camp fire, which makes me smile.

I made some progress today.   Another walk over lunch.  It was short but better than nothing.   The weather held out, but my work load impacted my ability to get away for any length of time.  And I worked my way through a big box of clothes that were in my home office.  This box had been there for months; and it was really bugging me.  I'm glad to see it out of there.  I've been making slow progress in decluttering that room and turning it back into a  room I'm proud of.  For much too long, that room has been a source of embarrassment that I wanted to hide from everyone.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Checking in

its been a very.tough.week.

I was optimistic about how well I was doing with the sudden loss of my best furry friend.  But last weekend was awful.  I missed him terribly.  It seemed the pain and sadness intensified.  I was hurting in all directions and every sense of the word.

But in order to keep my mind on other things I finally got a couple tasks completed that had been weighing heavy on my mind.   My taxes are done - yea!  and I finally complete and sent in the 2010 Health Care Spending receipts.  Its one of those accounts where you spend it or lose it and had already spent it and was going to lose it if I didn't get it submitted in time.   Both are now done and I even have a filing system set up to help with this account for 2011; especially important since I increased the funding to this for 2011.

Plus I've been running and walking more - I have a lot of nervous energy to burn off.   On Saturday I did a long walk - almost 8 miles.   I had wanted to walk about 6 or 7 miles to help me get back on track with the half marathon training.   But this was bigger and longer than I expected.   Overall it felt fine and was a nice walk.   Sunday started with a cold, rainy run with Marty's trail running program.

Over the last week and half, I have run or walked over 25 miles.  My new iphone nike+ GPS app is helping to track these exercise outings.  Those miles burned over 3000 calories - yea!

I'm still down a few pounds but I can tell my appetite is beginning to return, along with my desire to snack.   I do want to lose weight and I hope by still trying to dedicate to it to Wally it will help motivate me.