Friday, May 31, 2013

think: Help This Person

I ran across this link today (Three words that will transform your career) and it is very simple but is almost exactly what I have been trying to follow at work.  Their point is for everyone you run across, think Help This Person - a three word motto that can make all the difference in their day and how they respond to you now (and longer term).

For a while my mantra has been "we're on the same team".  I've been using that to help me focus on the big picture of what's import and to help me let go of getting upset when people are being stupid, illogical, and/or lazy -- all of which bother me greatly. 

This guy's advice takes it even further - help this person for each and every person you interact with.  'Help' doesn't have to be something monuments - it can be as simple as helping to make someone simile.

I've been working on my personal mission statement lately - and this needs to fit into it.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Chicago Botanical Gardens

Ah, one of the time for myself plans actually worked!  Well, that's only half true....if you remember the first plan was an over scheduled weekend in South Central Wisconsin.  But the Plan B worked great! 
May's time for myself was a day trip to the Chicago Botanical Gardens in Glenco, IL.   This was another shinny example of what this challenge is supposed to be about. The gardens have been on my list for a while, it was something that I knew I probably had to do by myself, and it was a nice day of reflection and introspection for me.

The timing was good - their tulips were bloom and looked beautiful.   Tulips are my favorite flower.

This may be geeky - ok, I know it is - but one of the things I like about these solo trips is 1) it feel stealthy and 2) I love what I learn - not so much about the plants, etc but the learning and deciphering of logistics and and how to do it "better" next time.

Knowing I like to walk and hike, I'm jazzed that I found details on the length of some routes in the CBG.   I was searching for information like that and coming up empty.  Turns out they print it right on their map (and only upload the detailed map).

I also figured out more info about the alternative parking at the train station.  That is a good alternative for the summer/warmer months.  The walk is nice but it is over a mile - that would not work for most of the people that might go with me.  They would view it as too long - especially if it was done both ways.   I figured out more about the timing links between the train and trolly and that the trolly is Sundays only, and the bus is all days except for Sunday.  I'd really like to take the bike and cycle between the train station and the CGB.  I think that would give me more freedom (from the trolly/bus schedule), be more enjoyable and faster than walking, and give me an opportunity to explore the near by bike paths and the streets of Glenco.

I love that I'm capable of saving the $25 parking fee by being smart enough to investigate before and healthy enough to enjoy the walk.  This feeling is a bonus that want to come out from these days of rejuvenation - feeling good about myself.  I can't picture too many of my friends and family that would think or be able to do this.  And I personally think my friends and family are above average - I feel confident even less of the general public would be able or willing to do this checking and walking.

It was sunny but cool (high 50s), which makes a nice day for faster walking.  I dressed in layers and was able to keep adjusting to the ever changing wind and comfort.   Again it made me feel smart to do that - so many people there looked uncomfortable because they were not dresses appropriately for the day.  This pushes on my function over fashion sense -- which is worrisome; function is important but I probably tend to go too much on function and not enough on fashion.  That is an area I need to work on and make sure increasing my fashion doesn't decrease my feeling of intelligence.  I know this is a weird correlation, but it does exist for me and I need to be watchful of it - and not allow myself to go too far in either direction.
I also feel vindicated that I was right in thinking I had to do this by myself.  The drive (combined there and back) was about as long as the time in the garden itself.  Most would not have thought it was worth the effort to go.  So I'm glad I went by myself and not have had people complaining about it.  I'm also glad I went by myself (especially for this first introduction) because I could enjoy walk at my faster pace.  There are too many that would have slowed me down, either because that is their best pace or because they wanted to stop and see every little sign.  Since the place was crowded for Mothers Day, it was really nice to be able to walk by myself and not get my group caught trying to nagivate around other groups of people.   That can get slow and frustrating and it's far from efficient.  The drive and the walking gave me a lot of time to thoughtfully consider my current situations and what I need or want to do.  Perfect for me

Another learning bonus - I put together a Evernote for keeping track of my plans and findings.  I've been wanting to learn how to make better use of Evernote for a while.  Evernote is one of those online software apps that so many of the bloggers sing praises about.  And with this effort, I feel like I have a much better idea of how to use it to make me more efficient.  As you probably know from reading my blog, my key word is Efficiency - I'm sure I have a Logic and Efficient gene that most people do not get.

I worry that the tone of this post is negative towards others - not my intention at all! I'm trying to explain why I like these days, and why they are good rejuvenation for my soul.   I mean no disrespect to anyone else.

Just a few more points...first the day started off really rough - and that update is intended for a different post, but the day ended (as planned) with the Survivor season finale and without the dog - both made it a good day.  I've been watching Survivor since its first season in 2000, and I still really like it.  To end this day with 3 hours of Survivor really was the cherry on the sundae (weird analogy since I really, really don't like maraschino cherries).  And as sad as this still is, it did make me more relaxed to have the dog gone.  I could have rushed and been able to be pick him up Sunday before they closed but knowing it may be too close to make "my day" enjoyable I had gone ahead and booked him through Sunday evening.   I get more done while he is gone - he is a big distraction (although he is getting dramatically better) and he takes work.  I wanted to settle in and watch the shows - it would have frustrated me to get up to take him out, and especially with it being unseasonably cooler.  It does bother me that I'm happier without the dog - I was never happier without the cat.   Zeus is a good dog - and I do love him.  But I'm just not a dog person.            

Monday, May 6, 2013

Time for Myself - replanning

This is another update to the year long on-going rejuvenating time to 'sharpen the saw' as Stephen Covey wrote about in 8 Habits of Highly Effective People.

I don't think I've been doing this right!  The intention was to do stuff I like and have been wanting to do - with or without others, that's part of the 'for myself'.  These are outings that I don't really care what other people think about them - in fact this is (attempting) to push myself to do these outings that I want to do even/especially when I know others don't think much of them.  For example, the January date trip to Appleton to see the Leonardo Da Vinci exhibit is a shinning example of what that challenge is supposed to be about.  It was something I was interested in, and something that I knew I would (1) have a hard time finding others that wanted to do this with me, and (2) probably not enjoy it as much if I had 'dragged' others to go with me.  Most of my friends and family would not have thought the drive was worth it for that simple exhibit.  It was better that I went by myself - and I did really enjoy it.  Shinny example.

So I'm refocusing on what I want to get out of this challenge and changing my May plans.  I had a tentatively planned a (big) two day trip to do a bunch of stuff in south-central Wisconsin.  In some ways, this was right on target - several of these things had been on my *list* for years - but in the most basic way this was wrong for the challenge because it was too much.  Taking time off of work, hotel and other expenses -- these were leading me to dread this more than look forward to it.  

Yesterday my brain started working better (I've had trouble focusing and getting things done - that due a post for itself), and the idea of a day trip to the Chicago Botanical Gardens popped into my head.   Like so many things, this had been on my list for a long while - it had resided on my Christmas list (they have an amazing amount of Christmas lights and displays) but it was again something I couldn't find people who would want to go with me, be able to keep up with my pace (ie, making the experience enjoyable for me - there were people who would have gone with me and not complained, but it would have been a slow going effort and it would not have been enjoyable for me), and its expensive to go alone (they charge $25 per car for parking, but the gardens themselves are free).  So it stayed on my list.  

So for this weekend, I'll board the dog over night Saturday (big family party) and be able to leave early early Sunday morning.  I'll plan to park at the metra station and either walk (free) or take a trolly ($2)to the gardens.   I wish it wasn't Mother's Day because I expect this is a popular destination for families on that day.  But it is what it is and I have to stop letting perfect outings be the enemy of the good outings.   Plus as bonus they probably have outstanding tulips - and those are my favorite flowers. 

To recap:
January - day trip to Appleton to see the Leonardo Da Vinci exhibit at their History Museum. 
February - day trip to Lake Geneva's Winterfest to see the national snow carving competition and hiked a trail at Big Foot Beach State Park that they light by luminaries
March - Zion Passion Play.  This was something that has been on my bucket list for a while and going there with Barb and Jon ended up enhancing the experience. 
April - there were a lot of 'sort of' experiences, but I'm counting this as the Brewer game with Anne. She had awesome seats (1st row behind the visitor's bullpen), seat were free, it was spectacular weather, first time this season the the roof was open for a game, a great walk to the stadium having a few Hard Root-beers and catching up.   All and in, this was an outstanding night.

And moving forward:
June - Mega Hike was reschedule for June so I have Sat, June 1 for travel and and Sun, June 2 for the hike- this is the weekend Danny graduates from St Dom's and there may be family celebrations, so its just tentative until I hear about those plans.   Barb T can no longer go with me so this is a solo adventure.  I also put a tentative hold on the weekend of Jun 14 - 16.  That may be a good weekend for a Door County visit, with the extra stop to the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help where there was the approved apparition; or possibly a camping weekend

July - Possible a trip to Spring Green area to see the House on the Rock and Cave of the Mounds.  Both have been on my (minor) bucket list for a while.  Along with them, if there is time, I can add the Frank Lloyd Wright house, Taliesin; and possibly camping at Tower Hill State Park.  Solo camping has also been on my list and I do want to test out my new tent - Alternative plans are there are several movies coming out that look really good - may be time to do a personal double feature, with a hike? or a bonfire?  Or maybe the day in Madison with a bike ride from the farmers marked to picnic park, another ride through the Arboretum, and possibly a tour of Camp Randall and the Kohl's Center.

I still have a lot of work to keep this challenge active and meaningful.  I need to focus some planning time and then to commit to it.